About me

Tiago is an experimental artist who uses algorithms and machines to create physical works of art, exploring the relationship between what exactly is described in an algorithm and the unpredictability of its physical implementation.

Lines are drawn to mimic the process of hand drawing. Sketches are generated by image segmentation, filtering, shape selection and depiction, relying on a personal and physical understanding of human visual perception.

What can be drawn by a human-machine?

What else?

He has a PhD in mathematical-physics.

PhD in Mathematical Physics from the University of Lisbon and Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics (DM) at the Lisbon Institute of Engineering (ISEL), where he teaches MSc and BSc courses in Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling, Design and 3D Printing. His main research areas are Industrial Mathematics, 3D modeling, and additive manufacturing.

Enthusiast of free software/hardware, active in the 3D printing, RepRap maker community, and with a participatory and collaborative approach to teaching technology and science.

Founder and responsible interlocutor of the Oficina Digital at ISEL.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9246-6777

Created: 23-06-2019 [10:15]

Last updated: 07-12-2024 [14:15]

For attribution, please cite this page as:

Charters, T., "about me": https://nexp.pt/about.html (07-12-2024 [14:15])

2024 Tiago Charters (cc-by-sa)