My way into LISP

References and tips how to learn LISP


There are a lot of ways of learning a programing language, the tips that follows describe my way into LISP. This my work for you, or, maybe not.

  1. Work out the Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp; it is not THE lisp that we are aiming, but we will run Lisp with SLIME, and it is a good thing to learn: emacs lisp; learn the difference between Dynamic Binding and Lexical Binding
  2. Run Steel Bank Common Lisp in Emacs with SLIME
  3. Move on to some fundamentals on lisp an read "The roots of LISP" by Paul Graham; try to reproduce the results in another programing language, e.g., in my case GNU/Octave :)
  4. Read the original McCarthy's paper on Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and their Computation by Machine (Part I)
  5. Find a copy of the 2nd ed. of the "The little lisper": read it
  6. Start reading On Lisp, by Paul Graham
  7. Find out about Scheme and run it on a GNU/Linux system
  8. Read some of The Original 'Lambda Papers' by Guy Steele and Gerald Sussman
  9. Start reading Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman
  10. Start reading Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp, by PeterNorvig
  11. Have a look at the
  12. ...

Have fun!

Palavras chave/keywords: lisp

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Última actualização/Last updated: 10-10-2022 [14:26]

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(c) Tiago Charters de Azevedo