POV-Ray ray tracing program

... which generates images from a text-based scene description

#version 3.6; // 3.7;
#global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }}

#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"

// camera

#declare Cam0 = camera {perspective angle 40
                        location  < 0.0 , 4.5 ,8>
                        right     x*image_width/image_height
                        look_at   <0.4 , 1 , 0.0>}
// sun ---------------------------------------------------------------
light_source{<1500,2500,-2500> color rgb<1,1,1>}
// sky ---------------------------------------------------------------
sphere{<0,0,0>,1 hollow
    texture{pigment{gradient <0,1,0>
        color_map{[0.0 color White  ]
          [0.2 color SkyBlue]
          [.9 color rgb<0,.1,1>]

                       quick_color White }
               finish {ambient .5 diffuse 1}
       scale 10000}
// the Water

plane{<0,1,0>, 0 }

                    normal { crackle 1 scale 10
                             turbulence 1 translate<0,-10,0>}
                    finish { diffuse 0.5 reflection .75}}

#version 3.6; // 3.7;
#global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#default{ finish{ ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 }}

#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"

// camera

#declare Cam0 = camera {perspective angle 30
                        location  < 0.0 , 4.5 ,8>
                        right     x*image_width/image_height
                        look_at   <0.4 , 1 , 0.0>}

//light_source{<1500,2500,-2500> color rgb<1,1,1>}
light_source{<100,200,-200> color rgb<1,1,1>}

// sky
sphere{<0,1.2,-5>,1 hollow
    texture{pigment{gradient <1,1,0>
        color_map{[0.0 color White  ]
          [.5 color rgb<1,1,1>]

      quick_color White }
    finish {ambient .5 diffuse 1}
  scale 1}

sphere{<3,2,-4>,1 hollow
    texture{pigment{gradient <1,1,0>
        color_map{[0.0 color Red  ]
          [.5 color rgb<1,0,0>]

      quick_color White }
    finish {ambient .5 diffuse 1}
  scale .618}

// Water

plane{<0,1,0>, 0 }

                    normal { crackle 1 scale 7
                             turbulence 5 translate<0,-10,0>}
                    finish { diffuse 0.5 reflection .75}}
          }// end of difference

Ref.: https://www.povray.org/

Palavras chave/keywords: povray, images, ray tracing

Criado/Created: 27-03-2019 [21:36]

Última actualização/Last updated: 10-10-2022 [14:26]

Voltar à página inicial.

GNU/Emacs Creative Commons License

(c) Tiago Charters de Azevedo